Staff Wellbeing

Staff Wellbeing Module

We developed this module in September this year.  It’s based on the “Compassionate and Connected Community” materials produced by Education Scotland.

Content of the module:

  • Understanding staff wellbeing and why it matters
  • Work-related stress and how to manage it
  • Understanding the impact on staff, of supporting children and young people who have faced adversity or trauma
  • Knowing your signature strengths and how you can use these
  • Frameworks to support your own wellbeing

Module outcomes:

By the end of the module staff should:

  • Have increased understanding of the importance of staff wellbeing and its links to pupil wellbeing.
  • Be aware of Angus Council’s school staff wellbeing needs analysis (Spring 2020) results.
  • Be able to recognise the signs of burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma, and understand their own self-care.
  • Recognise their strengths and consider new ways to utilise them.
  • Be familiar with a framework for their own wellbeing and consider how to target strategies to improve personal wellbeing.
  • Know where to seek further wellbeing support, if required.

Staff Commitments:

The module comprises a mixture of theory and information, practical and reflective exercises, strategies, video clips and links to relevant websites.

It will take approximately three hours to complete online by staff individually but can be completed section by section in times which are suitable and available.

A short Survey Monkey feedback form will provide an individual’s school, EPS and the Authority with information aimed addressing staff wellbeing needs.

A supplementary feedback form is also available, if required, to provide more in-depth detail for schools to support their staff’s wellbeing needs.

Angus Educational Psychology Service (EPS) support:

  • School educational psychologists (EPs) will introduce the course through discussion with school senior management.
  • EPs will assist school senior management in the analysis of the main themes arising from the module reflections in order to identify next steps at a school level.
  • EPS will evaluate the outcomes of the module for schools at Local Authority level and report on staff wellbeing needs in Angus schools.

Please contact your EP for further information about the Staff Wellbeing Module.


National Work

In March 2022, alongside EP colleagues in Renfrewshire and North Aryshire, we presented at the ‘From Poverty to Flourishing’ Education Scotland conference.  Our presentation was based on our joint learning around staff wellbeing, having each undertaken Action Enquiries in this field.  You can read our Phase One Research Report about Staff Wellbeing on the Education Scotland website.