Today, Netflix will start streaming To The Bone: a harrowing, funny and ultimately uplifting tale about one young woman’s recovery from anorexia. But does it risk glamourising the illness? Read this topical article from The Day, and decide for yourself. … Continue reading →
13 Reasons Why is the latest Netflix show everyone is obsessed with. Whilst it’s received a lot of praise for its diversity, for flipping the silent dead-girl trope, and for its overarching message to be kinder to others, there is a growing number of people who are criticising the show’s troubling portrayal of youth suicide and the risk it poses to vulnerable viewers. – Buzzfeed Continue reading →
Iron Fist and Slapping the Joker: How not to Write Strong Female Characters – BookRiot Also known as, “But hey, she (ineffectually) fought off the Joker (who later killed her), right? So she’s feisty!” “A Slap the Joker Moment betrays a … Continue reading →
13 Books to Read After You Finish 13 Reasons Why You’ve read the book, you’ve binged the show (maybe more than once), and now all you want is more. Never fear, we’ve got thirteen great emotional reads to get you … Continue reading →