Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

April 24, 2017
by Miss Stewart

If you love a thing…

Just had to do a big ‘shout out’ for one of our very talented 6th year pupil, Chloe D. As previously posted, Chloe created a wonderful piece of digital art for me based on Marvel’s Hawkeye – Because, Hawkeye! 😉Continue reading

April 20, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Crossing the Godzilla Threshold…

I’ve just received a press release – it doesn’t matter what for – that has listed all the different ways the world might end, based on scenarios from films, and how people have stated they would respond. It is stupid, and now I will explain why on a scenario-by-scenario basis. Continue reading

March 15, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Got fandom?

It’s chic to be geek! Keep calm and join fandom! Wait, what? Clishmaclaver knows there is amazing fanfiction being written, astoundingly good fan art being created (Shout out to Chloe D!), and generally awesome fandoming being undertaken by pupils at … Continue reading

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