Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

Booking up for June!

June 8, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments



Those most excellent people at Lovereading4kids have compiled their Books of the Month for June, and what an abundance of fabulous new releases for all ages there is! Did someone mention Alex Rider? That’s right peeps! A brand new adventure for everyone’s favourite teenage spy is out – Never Say Die – plus Wave Me Goodbye by the one-and-only Jacqueline Wilson. 😀

Click here to salisbury-comp_smread the epic newsletter in full. Here’s a wee taster for you all –

June Bugs! – Debuts of the Month

A flurry of fantabulous first-timers for kids to find their favourite! Don’t miss:

Phantom Limbs (YA) by Paula Garner – A Poignant and profound contemporary romance about love and friendship for fans of Jandy Nelson. Makes for compulsive reading.

The City of Secret Rivers (9+) by Jacob Sager Weinstein – A breath-taking magical adventure on the banks of London’s underground rivers crackling with originality and energy.

Juniper Lemon’s Happiness Index (YA) by Julie Israel – A tear-jerking, soul-stirring, heart-warming story about losing a sister, and the ensuing aftermath of grief and mystery.

Gosh I love books! 😉

Art credit: taken from – Lovereading4kids

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