Our ‘long read’ for Friday is this thought-provoking Guardian article by Australian crime writer, J.M. Green: From Wonder Woman to Spirited Away: what really makes a superhero? “Hollywood firmly believes in superheroes who fulfil male adolescent fantasies of aggression and … Continue reading →
Classrooms up and down the country will surely be discussing this appalling tragedy. The Day has produced some excellent resources for use in school, including teachers’ advice for talking about the fire with children and young people: “The Grenfell Tower fire … Continue reading →
The Show That Forced A Worldwide Conversation About Teen Suicide How suicide is depicted onscreen for young audiences has become one of the most debated topics of the year. The writers, directors, and mental health experts behind 13 Reasons Why, … Continue reading →
If I ruled the world…Oh okay then, Scotland… So, you may have heard that the 44th President of the United States will be addressing philanthropy and business leaders at a dinner in Edinburgh on 26th May 2017 at the EICC. … Continue reading →
This opinion piece from Book Riot – In Defense of ‘Other Girls’ in YA – is definitely worth a read. It tackles the rather unpleasant trope of, ‘Not Like Other Girls‘. I have to say, this trope has always seemed … Continue reading →
Entrepreneur Jimmy Wales has launched Wikitribune, a collaboration between journalists and citizens that will put facts first. But in the age of fake news, can facts really change our minds? – The Day As ever, I highly recommend reading The … Continue reading →
I’ve just received a press release – it doesn’t matter what for – that has listed all the different ways the world might end, based on scenarios from films, and how people have stated they would respond. It is stupid, and now I will explain why on a scenario-by-scenario basis. Continue reading →
But Woolf’s ideal reader, who disappears as she reads and tries on alternate identities, is now under siege. Our stories are going social and, as new platform technologies remake the reading experience into something increasingly interactive, we now must ask what we’re giving up in the bargain. Continue reading →
Another readable blog from Booknerdlandia, this time focusing on issues of ‘gender’ in Marvel Comics, but also contributing to the on-going ‘diversity’ stooshie ignited by a recent Marvel press conference; as per previously discussed by Clishmaclaver. “…top editors and … Continue reading →