With Atomic Blonde’s release imminent in the UK, you might be wondering where its phenomenal, badass, female protagonist came from. I’m glad you asked.
“It is based on Antony Johnston and Sam Hart’s 2012 graphic novel The Coldest City, published by Oni Press, which revolves around a spy who has to find a list of double agents who are being smuggled into the West on the eve of the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989.” – Wikipedia
The Coldest City – “A bit of a masterpiece… reminded me of John Le Carré in its very plausible complexity, but a lot more engaging and exciting.” – ALAN MOORE
“A world of heavy shadow and blurred motivation, filled with doubt, cruelty, and prejudice… Johnston and Hart have turned out a superlative spy thriller.” – GREG RUCKA
This is hopefully the first of many films to bring our favorite female graphic novel badasses to the big screen. Here are a few recommended adult (NB: Like the film these are 15+ – Clishmaclaver) graphic novels to help scratch your Lady James Bond itch, care of Book Riot: 5 Graphic Novels for Fans of Atomic Blonde
Art credit: ©2017 Universal Pictures