Those not familiar with teen author, John Green’s alter ego as one half of the VlogBrothers phenomenon, might like this handy infographic to aid writing craft:
“Nerdfighteria is a community subculture, based mainly online. It began in 2007, when the VlogBrothers (John and Hank Green) rose to prominence in the YouTube community. As their popularity grew, so did coverage on Nerdfighteria, whose followers are individually known as Nerdfighters.[2] The term was coined when John saw a copy of the arcade game Aero Fighters and misread the title as Nerd Fighters.“ – Wikipedia
Over the years, my library kids have devoured John Green’s books and fully embraced this community because, yeah, teenagers can relate; Nerdfighters believe in, “Fighting world ‘suck’, such as bullying, and promoting education, the freedom of speech and the use of the intellect in modern society, as well as positive values and ethics.” – Wikipedia.
So, fresh from The Nerdfighteria please do take a look – and, of course, don’t forget to be awesome! 
Art credit: found at The Nerdfighteria
@johngreen /