Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

Scotland… forbidden romance… sure, I’ll bite.


Toward a Secret Sky

“Shortly after 17-year-old Maren Hamilton is orphaned and sent to live with grandparents she’s never met in Scotland, she receives an encrypted journal from her dead mother that makes her and everyone around her a target. It confirms that her parents were employed by a secret, international organization that’s now intent on recruiting her. As Maren works to unravel the clues left behind by her mother, a murderous madness sweeps through the local population, terrorizing her small town. Maren must decide if she’ll continue her parents’ fight or stay behind to save her friends.

With the help of Gavin, an otherworldly mercenary she’s not supposed to fall in love with, and Graham, a charming aristocrat who is entranced with her, Maren races against the clock and around the country from palatial estates with twisted labyrinths to famous cathedrals with booby-trapped subterranean crypts to stay ahead of the enemy and find a cure. Along the way, she discovers the great truth of love: that laying down your life for another isn’t as hard as watching them sacrifice everything for you.” – Blinkyabooks

Rave reviews – it’s like a cross between Twighlight and The Da Vinci Code – for this new teen fantasy novel! So, should Clishmaclaver purchase it for the library, once her 2017-18 book budget is approved? Click on the thumbnail to read an exclusive extract – pp.1-18 – c/o Blinkyabooks, and let me know your thoughts! 😀

Title text from: Alyssa

Art credit: © 2017, HarperCollins Publishers.

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