It’s chic to be geek! Keep calm and join fandom! Wait, what? Clishmaclaver knows there is amazing fanfiction being written, astoundingly good fan art being created (Shout out to Chloe D!), and generally awesome fandoming being undertaken by pupils at Brechin Community Campus. With this in mind I almost squeed when reading my Book Riot feed I came across this doozy of an article: Librarian Meets Fan: Fueling Fandom Through Fundamental Librarian Skills.
Basically the author makes an excellent case for using (ninja) library skills to augment your obsessive fangirling/fanboying – “Fans can benefit from utilising thesaurus methodology to better understand their fandom of choice. For example, using this Harry Potter thesaurus can teach you more about the various types of magic, magical creatures, food, and dwellings in the books, which you can then use in writing your [fan]fics…”
Cool, huh? The author provides links on how to make a thesaurus, which tell you how to collect terms, and tell you how to use acronyms.
Because it’s hip to be square!
Art credit: “John Green quote” – Pinterest / Venn diagram –