Clishmaclaver has just read an interesting addition to the current debate on ‘second wave’ feminism from The Day. Speaking of Emma Watson – whom pupils may know best as ‘Hermione’ from the Harry Potter films – the article reads, “She is an actress, a feminist activist for the UN, and now a semi-nude model in Vanity Fair magazine. Her photoshoot has sparked a fierce feminist row: does baring your breasts betray women?”
Click on the photo of Emma for a well-balanced discussion of both sides of the argument.
The Day is an excellent resource which routinely pitches ‘topical issues’, along with ideas for learning activities and suggestions for further reading/viewing; ideal both for pupils to debate in Form and/or to write about for persuasive essays, etc. –
Would you define feminism as being about personal choice, or improving society for everyone?
“A naked body has to be seen as an object in order to become a nude.” – Clishmaclaver liked this quote from the late, great, John Berger!
- Watch Emma Watson respond to the controversy surrounding her Vanity Fair shoot. The Star Online — YouTube. (2:08)
- Piers Morgan accuses the actress of hypocrisy in The Daily Mail. Do you agree? (1,150 words)
- BBC News presents multiple different arguments from feminists discussing Watson’s photo shoot. (850 words)
- The Vanity Fair profile which started the debate. “When someone has a feminist point of view, we tend to think she’s no fun at all.” (3,300 words)
- Emma Watson makes a speech about feminism at the UN in 2014, which has now been viewed over one million times. United Nations — YouTube. (13: 15)
All photos and links: ©The Day