Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

Myths and misconceptions about children’s rights


Image result for rights respecting schools unicef

“This booklet breaks down some of the common myths and misconceptions about
children’s rights which we have come across in our work with teachers, parents and
school communities through the Rights Respecting Schools Award.

As an international legal document, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (the
Convention or CRC) may sometimes seem complex and difficult to interpret in practice.
This can lead to misunderstandings about what each right means and how the
Convention applies in the real world.

While we want the Convention to be accessible to everyone, it is important not to
oversimplify it. This booklet seeks to deepen your understanding of the Convention by
clarifying common misconceptions that can arise.” – UNICEF


Image result for rights respecting schools unicef

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