Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

National Cake Day 2016


On Saturday 26th November 2016, it will be National Cake Day! A celebration of things we eat for a celebration! Everybody loves cakes and there are so many varieties. So what is the nations’ favorite cakes?

For Scotland, we all love Carrot Cake,  we like it because we can kid ourselves it’s healthy because it’s got veg.

Wales like their Welsh Cakes which are similar to scones (sounds like gone) but harder, and England love Chocolate Cake (although Carrot was a close second)

Do you agree with the polls? Let us know you fave in the comments!

Pictures: National Cake Day –

Carrot Cake – Blue Cafe

Chocolate Cake – YouTube

Cake Variety – Na Na Jo’s Cafe


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