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RRS Ideas for the future …

When asked ‘what do you think the RRS committee could do next to help make sure pupils are accessing and respecting their rights?’ This is what some of the committee members suggested …

‘I was thinking about making a poster that shows your main needs and how you can help someone who might not have their main rights.’

‘Put out information on their google classrooms to remind them of what their rights are.’

‘We could make a song or rap teach people their rights.’

‘We could make a small card and post it to our parents.’


What Our RRS Committee Think

We are aiming to be a Silver Rights Respecting School. This is what our committee said they think a Rights Respecting School should look like …

‘A rights respecting school should look like… a school that doesn’t discriminate people because of their religion and colour of their skin. Pupils should listen to each other and adults have to listen to the children, as well as this, they should have access to clean water and good food and they should have clean toilets and a good place to work.’

‘I think a rights respecting school looks like a school where pupils are not discriminated because of their differences such as skin colour, religion and family backgrounds. In a rights respecting school learning takes place in an environment of respect. In such schools, everyone feels safe and everyone is included. In rights respecting school, pupils with a disability also get an equal chance to take part. In such schools everyone is able to access information. Children play freely and feel the warm atmosphere where they can share their thoughts and feelings.’

‘The main qualities of a rights respecting school are no discrimination because of colour or religion. Someone to talk to when in need. Ability to share your opinion. Access to education. No bullying or harming pupils. Respect for disabilities.’

‘A rights respecting school should have access to clean water and food. It should have anti-racism and discrimination free. All students must be protected from violence.’

‘I think a rights respecting school should never judge people on what they feel and look like.’

‘In a rights respecting school everyone should be happy safe and treated equally and you should be treat people the way you want to be treated and you should be included.’

What Our RRS Committee Think

We asked our committee what they think one thing  adults in our school do already to respect the rights of a child and one thing  pupils in our school already do to to respect the rights of a child. Here is what they said …

‘I think adults and pupils respect children’s rights in many ways but one that stands out is how children are not bullied buy skin colour and religion.’

‘I think adults respect children by staying 2 meters apart every day at drop off and pupils respect children by helping them in problems.’

‘I think adults respect us by keeping us safe and by keeping the school a safe place and we respect our rights by not leaving people out and being kind.’

‘I think that adults respect us because they share all the information and logic.’

‘I think adults in our school help kids to be the best that they can be. Children in our school help each other when they get hurt or feel sad.’

‘I think adults encourage children to try their best no matter what.’

‘I think that adults in the school respect our rights because they let us have an opinion.’


RRS Committee 2020 – 2021

Cults Primary’s new committee for 2020-2021 has now been established. The keen candidates prepared answers to set questions and bravely spoke in front of their peers to secure their place on the committee. Their peers then voted to decide who would represent their views and opinions this year. .

The committee members will be part of a virtual Google Classroom where they will be sharing ideas and views throughout the year.

Our P7 committee members have already been busy creating a thank you video for our adults for respecting the UNCRC right to stay safe by staying 2m apart in our playground.

4 Sep 2020 at 09_34

We are still deciding how meetings and tasks will run, but we look forward to continuing our journey to ensuring that all of the young people know and respect their rights and the rights of others.

RRS Committee January Update

In the Rights Respecting Schools Committee, this term, we have been working on an Assembly to perform to the whole school. We have created a show called the ‘ Rights Rescuers!’ It is all about helping people that can’t access their rights and spreading the message that we all have rights and no one can take them away. We have also learnt about rights in the Red Unit assembly, we have been learning about Article 23, the right to equality and fairness for disabled people.

By Rowan

2019-2020 Term 1 Update

So far this term, our Rights Respecting Committee have been having our usual weekly meetings. We have some new additions to the group and have welcomed back many pupils from last year too.

We are busy preparing lessons and an assembly for the school to help make sure all pupils are aware of their rights. We have taken on board feedback from a questionnaire we issued last term and used this to decide what our lessons and assembly will be about.

As well as this we have been making up a video showing pupils accessing their in Cults Primary. We look forward to sharing it when it’s finished.

Cults Academy pupils have been visiting our pupils during assembly to share the new ASG Charter. We hope that this will help all members of our community be aware of the rights we have as a child and ensure everyone respects these.

During Red Unit assemblies this term, the P6 and P7 pupils have been learning about our school values and Article 28.

ASG Class Charter

As of next term the Cults ASG will share a Rights Respecting Community Charter. Pupils from Cults Academy, Milltimber School, Culter School and Cults School have participated in deciding the rights that we should focus on as a community next year. They have also worked together to create the layout of the charter. This will be introduced to all pupils next term.


2018-2019 Term 4 Update

In Term 3 the Rights Respecting Committee Grew in number, to include 1 elected pupil from each P1-P7 class. The committee have been busy getting to know each other and how we can help make our school Rights Aware. Having achieved the Bronze award we are already on our way to achieving this.

Here is an update from the pupils. They recently shared their progress at the Red Unit assembly.

What is the Silver Award?

  • We are aiming to achieve the silver award by 2020
  • The silver award is the awarded to schools that ensure that all it’s pupils are aware of their rights and responsibilities that come with them
  • It encourages pupils to accept people of different races and religions

By getting the Silver Award we are moving up and showing more understandings of our rights and responsibilities.

What we have been up to

We have been creating posters for different areas in the school and created a challenge to spot all 5. We have also visited Cults Academy to make a Rights Charter for the ASG. The rights charter that we make will have 4 or 5 rights that we think all children in Cults, Cutler and Milltimber Primary School should all know and have.

Our plans as a committee for the future are to…

  1. Update the blog at least once a term
  2. Create a video showing how we all have access to our rights at Cults Primary School
  3. Meeting up with the Academy Pupils to finalise our charter
  4. Look around for pupils who are showing the responsibilities we have asked them to demonstrate


As a school we are trying to get the Silver Award by making sure the whole school know their rights and responsibilities. We are also creating a school charter that shows a few rights we think are important. We will try to upload on the Rights Respecting School blog at least once a term, finalise our charter with the Academy pupils and create a video about our school showing we have access to our rights.


By the RRS Committee pupils