All posts by Mrs Boyd

Air Raid Shelter Google Forms

Friday Fun!

Today we got together with our Air Raid Shelter learning partners from 7S to create a Google Form Quiz.

The hall was free so we spread ourselves and all our work out and used our notes from the week to help us.

In our quizzes we will be adding photos and videos to make them interactive as well as interesting.

We can’t wait to send them to each other.


Air Raid Shelters

This week we started a series of lessons with 7S learning about the different types of air raid shelters used in WW2.

Each  small group pulled an air raid shelter type out of a hat, we then used four different sources of information to write notes about the shelter.

Once  we had all completed this we came together in the hall  and presented everything we had found.

We are going to create google form quizzes for our classmates to see how much they have learned.


Summerhill Care Home

We visited Summerhill Care Home today and had a lovely time. We were colouring in pictures together and having a chat. We even got a chance to ask some of the residents about their experience of WW2.  Christine’s husband was injured in the D Day landings whilst Bob used to cycle around in the blackouts,when the phone lines were down,carrying messages.

Street Sport

On Wednesday afternoon Street Sport came to our playground.  We got a chance to go out as a year group and have some fun.  It was pouring of rain but we barely noticed and not one person complained.  We played Quidditch, football, volleyball and even got the chance to have a look around a fire engine.

Gas Attack

This week P7B have been learning about the preparations that were made at the start of WW2.  We have learned all about the potential threat of gas attacks and have even made our own gas masks with carriers.

How did WW2 start?

We have been learning about how WW2 started. Once we understood how the war started we wrote a summary in our own words.  After that we listened to Neville Chamberlains’s declaration of war. We thought about how he must have felt and wrote our own speeches. We have also written a diary entry from the perspective of a child who has just heard the speech on the wireless. So far we are really enjoying learning about WW2. We are learning about gas masks next and the preparations that were made at the start of the war.