All posts by Mrs Boyd

Police Scotland Visit

PC Seb Cook came to visit P7 this morning to educate us about drugs as a follow up to our unit on Substance Misuse this term.

His knowledge, real life resources and stories from his experiences helped take our learning to a deeper level.


In Science we have been learning about microbes. This week we were learning about sneezing. We took part in an experiment where we tested how far the microbes in a sneeze would travel if we sneezed without covering the sneeze, covered the sneeze using our hand and using a tissue to cover the sneeze. The sneeze that traveled the least distance was sneezing with a hand in front of it. By Chloe and Daniel

Easter Egg Competition Entry

The popular tale of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ was the theme of this Easter Egg ‘Bedtime Stories’ Competition. The detail is amazing! A big well done for taking the time to be a great role model to the younger boys and girls by going above and beyond to participate in the wider activities, competitions and opportunities within the school.

Term 4 Newsletter

Primary 7B Newsletter

Term 4



Welcome back to Primary 7B, I hope you all had a lovely Easter Holiday and are ready to embrace Term 4 with the same attitude that proved successful in Terms 1,2 and 3.  This will be a busy last term as we prepare for our P7 Show, the transition to the academy as well as Living and Growing, Part 3. Our residential trip to Ardeonaig is fast approaching and excitement is building in anticipation of its arrival.  Let’s hope the sun shines for us when we are there.


This term in Numeracy and Mathematics we are going to be looking at ‘Negative Numbers’, ‘Algebra’ and ‘2 Dimensional Shapes’.  In addition to this, we will be spending time refining our mental maths skills/ strategies as well as increasing our confidence with our mathematical vocabulary.


This term in Language and Literacy we will continue to read our class novel, Narnia- The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.   In addition to this, reading will be heard weekly in a group and also individually through ‘ Fluency Tutor’ which is linked to our Google Classrooms.  For spelling, we will be learning the last of our tricky words. In grammar, we are going to be developing our skills at a word, sentence and text level. Reading groups will be heard throughout the week with reading homework given after reading has been heard.


Miss Leitch, from Hazlehead Academy, will be taking the class on a Tuesday afternoon for Science. We will continue to learn about ‘Microbes’.


Physical Education will be taught twice a week by Mrs. Boyd on a Tuesday and Mr. Friel, the PE Specialist, in a new slot on a Friday.  Please ensure that you have a change of clothes/ shoes and all jewelry is removed prior to the lesson in accordance with Aberdeen City Council Policy.  


In Digital Technologies this term we will continue to explore ‘Computing Science’ starting with understanding the world through computational thinking which will lead to understanding and analysing computing technology followed by designing, building and testing computing solutions.


This Term we will be participating in Part 3 of Living and Growing. Please complete the permission letter by Friday the 19th of April.  We will be taking part in these lessons every Friday. If you would like to view or discuss any of the content please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.

Also during Term 4, every Tuesday, we will be working our way through the Aberdeen Anti- Weapon Policy Resource for Primary 7 pupils.  We will also be receiving a visit from PC Seb Cook who will be talking to the pupils about substance abuse and staying safe online.

Mrs Boyd