Chickens in P3W…

Good afternoon, everybody,


Just an update to let you know that sadly, we will not be getting our class chickens until May. It seems that there is a problem concerning the egg supply in the Aberdeenshire area; however, we will still be doing our topic on chickens in February, which means that we will be the resident experts when we get the eggs in May!

We will still be having an Open Morning when the chickens arrive, to which you are all invited.

I will share more information nearer the time.

Thank you for your support,

Miss Wilson

Burns Event at Fernielea!

Dear Parents and Carers,


Fernielea is having a Burns Event on Friday 24th January. In P3, the children have taken home this week, a poem to learn and recite for the event. It is called ‘Coulter’s Candy’ – a well-known Scottish verse and song. Please practice the poem with your child, if possible; learning the poem is an additional piece of homework for the next two weeks. We have gone over it in class, analysing the structure of the poem, the language, as well as taking about how to memorise poetry.


Thank you – and a very happy Burns Night when it arrives!


Miss Wilson