Daniel is our playground star this week! He was chosen because he was being a great friend and was playing with lots of different boys and girls all week! Well done Daniel!
Tag: Playground Star
Playground Star
Gabi has been chosen as the playground star this week. He has been very helpful to the PSA’s – keep up the great work Gabi!
Playground Star
Keiran is the playground star this week! He has been joining in and playing very nicely with his classmates and even made a wonderful obstacle course! Well done Keiran!
Playground Star
Joseph is this week’s playground star. He was chosen because he always makes sure to include others in his games. Keep it up Joseph!
Playground Star
Lola is Room 3’s Playground star this week. She has been very helpful in the playground and is showing that she is a great bucket filler! Well done Lola!