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CLIC Targets – Week beginning 18.01.21

Counting- I can read 3 digit multiples of 100.

You may want to watch the counting by 100 video attached below. You could make flash cards for your child with 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 written on pieces of paper. Show them each card and see if they can read you each number.

Learn Its- Number Bonds to 10. (3+7, 4+6, 5+5, 8+2, 9+1, 10+0)

There is still a number bonds to 10 city available on Education City if you would like to explore this week. I have attached hit the button which I know many of you found helpful last this.

It’s Nothing New- I can double 1 digit numbers. (Double 9 is 18, Double 7 is 14).

Working on this target would really help us improve on our scores in our Friday CLIC challenge. Again, there is a game you can play on hit the button to practise. I have also attached a PowerPoint and video you may find helpful to support this target.

Calculations- I can read a number sentence e.g “3+4=”
Remember to:
– Read your number sentence
– Say ‘add’ for +
– Say ‘equals’ for =

Write some addition sentences out for your child e.g 3+4=, 7+11=, 2+8=. Get your child to solve the question and then read your the number sentence e.g “Three add four equals 7”

Try to practise each skill for a small amount of time across the week. In school we do a little everyday.

CLIC Targets – Week beginning 11.01.21

C- I can count to 100.
We regularly use Jack Hartman in class to get moving and counting. I’ve attached one of his videos below that you may like to try.

L- Number Bonds to 10 (7 and 3, 6 and 4, 2 and 8, 9 and 1, 10 and 0)

The pupils have number bonds games on their Education City account that they are familiar with. You may wish to explore these together across the week. Your child should develop their recall so if you say ‘6’ they should be able to say ‘4’.

I-I can double 1 digit numbers e.g double 4 is 8.

I have attached below a link to Top Marks. The pupils enjoy this for consolidating their knowledge of doubling. (There is also a game for number bonds to 10 practice). When exploring doubling with your child encourage them to think that halving is the opposite. If they can double and halve within 10, encourage them to try doing this within 20.

C-Division: I can share 6, 9, 12 or 15 objects between 3 people. 15 divided by 3= (with objects).

Give your child concrete materials, this could be anything such as toy cars, blocks, spoons, anything you have around the house. Give them either 6, 9, 12 or 15 of this object at one time. Ask them to share this between 3 people. This could be with people in the house or they could set out toys as if they are sharing them out for them. Encourage your child to think of sharing them equally and fairly. I have attached a video below that may support with this.

Happy Birthday Krystian!

It’s Krystian’s Birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Happy birthday to you,
On this your special day.
We’re so glad to share it with you,
To bring gifts, eat cake and play.

We hope you have a great time,
And that all your wishes come true.
Because we don’t know anyone who deserves
A happier birthday than you!

Happy Birthday Harvey!

It’s Harvey’s Birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Happy birthday to you,
On this your special day.
We’re so glad to share it with you,
To bring gifts, eat cake and play.

We hope you have a great time,
And that all your wishes come true.
Because we don’t know anyone who deserves
A happier birthday than you!

Happy Birthday Joseph!

It’s Joseph’s Birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Happy birthday to you,
On this your special day.
We’re so glad to share it with you,
To bring gifts, eat cake and play.

We hope you have a great time,
And that all your wishes come true.
Because we don’t know anyone who deserves
A happier birthday than you!

Happy Birthday Erin!

It’s Erin’s Birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Happy birthday to you,
On this your special day.
We’re so glad to share it with you,
To bring gifts, eat cake and play.

We hope you have a great time,
And that all your wishes come true.
Because we don’t know anyone who deserves
A happier birthday than you!

CLIC Targets – Week beginning 30.11.20

This week our CLIC targets are:

C – I can read 2 digit numbers

L – I can count in 5’s up to 50

I – I can double 1 digit numbers

e.g 4+4=8, double 6 = 12

C – I can take away numbers of objects within 10

  • count how many objects you have
  • see how may need to be taken away
  • count how many you are taking away
  • check you are taking away the right amount
  • count how many are left