Counting- I can count in 5s.
I have attached a video of counting to 5s below. If you can count to 50, challenge yourself to go further!
Learn Its- Number Bonds to 10. (3+7, 4+6, 5+5, 8+2, 9+1, 10+0)
I have attached a number bonds PowerPoint below that you may wish to explore with your child. There is still a link to hit the button attached below and our number bonds to 10 work available on Education City. Write out number sums for your child to complete (4+=10, 5+=10, +6=10). They should be able to identify the missing number.
It’s Nothing New- I can double 1 digit numbers. (Double 9 is 18, Double 7 is 14).
Working on this target would really help us improve on our scores in our Friday CLIC challenge. This week I have added a ‘Doubles and Halves to 20’ assignment to Education City this week. Please make your way through the activities in this city this week. We are looking forward to tracking your progress! If you’d like to record a video to let us know how you are getting on with your doubles and halves we’d love to see it.
Calculations- I can read a number sentence
e.g “6-4=”
Remember to:
– Read your number sentence
– Say ‘take away’ for –
– Say ‘equals’ for =
Write some addition sentences out for your child e.g 7-4=, 11-7=, 8-2=. Get your child to solve the question and then read your the number sentence e.g “Seven takeaway two equals 5”