Week beginning Tuesday 29th September 2020

This week we will be learning the sounds c/k and e. We will be thinking of things which start with these initial sounds and finding out how to form the letters.

Can you think of any things at home which start with these letters? You could draw some pictures or cut out and stick any pictures starting with c, k or e.


We will continue this week with some counting activities as well as stories relating to the numbers and recognising arrays of dots.

We will also talk some more about measurement – capacity, weight and length. We will be comparing and sorting things into the correct order and focusing on the language related to measurement.



This week we are going to look at some of the changes that take place in Autumn. We now have an Autumn trees display in our classroom. We are going to find out about owls and nocturnal animals related to our story The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark.

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