Week beginning 21st September 2020

This week we have our Parents Night Google Meet on Thursday 24th from 4.00 – 4.30pm.

School is closed for the September weekend on Friday 25th September and Monday 28th September.

Now we have completed the first 6 letter sounds – s, a, t, i, p and n. This week in school we will revise these sounds and do some activities to consolidate them. Matching pictures to their initial sound, forming the letter sounds and thinking of things which start with the letter sounds. We can now also start to form words using these letter sounds – sat, pin, at, in, sip, tin etc.

You could try to make some of these words together at home using the individual letter sounds. This is the start of blending where we say the sounds together to read the word.


We will continue this week with some counting activities as well as stories relating to the numbers and recognising numbers of dots in a pattern without counting, such as on dice.

We will also talk some more about measurement – capacity, weight and length. We will be comparing and sorting things into the correct order and focusing on the language related to measurement.


We have moved on from our nurture topic to thinking about the wider world. Part of this topic involves learning about the season of Autumn and the changes that happen in the environment. We are reading the book The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark and will be doing some activities related to this and to Autumn.

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