Primary 3’s Easter Show

We had an amazing time performing our Easter show this morning. Thank you for coming along to watch. The children did so well, everyone remembered their lines and sang beautifully. If you couldn’t make it today, we have filmed it and will try to make the video accessible for you soon.


Recycle Aberdeen

 Primary 3 have been working really hard this week on their end of topic challenge. We used our teamwork skills to create a model of an importance place in Aberdeen out of recycling. We then covered them in newspaper and glue. Once that dried, we carefully painted on the details that were unique to our building. We typed up information about our models using Microsoft Word. What was originally a small recycling project, has turned into an excellent display that we are really proud of.

Duthie Park March 2018

We had an excellent time visiting Duthie Park yesterday. The Rangers called Claire and Alex showed us all of the interesting statues and fountains and gave us lots of facts about them. We also explored the Winter Gardens, hunting for plants that grow things used in everyday items such as coffee, tea and soap.  Our favourite part was the play park where there was lots of great slides and swings.

We have been working really hard today on pieces of writing about our experiences at Duthie Park and have drawn lovely pictures too.

World Book Day

 We all had a great day celebrating World Book Day today. We braved the snow and came into school wearing some amazing costumes. We also had a book swap so everyone in the class got a new book to take home.