World Of Work Week!


This week the children have been exploring the World Of Work! They have developed their knowledge of different jobs and the skills needed to do them. They have also considered what they might like to do when they grow up.

We had some visitors in to tell us about their job. Firstly, we had an Offshore Medic who came in and told us about his job. He showed us the uniform he has to wear and the medical bag he has to carry. He also showed us a map of the different parts of the World he could be called to. It was very interesting!

The children were very excited when a fire engine appeared in the playground yesterday! Thankfully there was no fire! They had come to tell the children all about the job of a fireman and they showed us the different parts of the fire engine. It was very interesting to learn that there is at least five different sized ladders on a fire engine. The children had lots of fun getting hands on with the hoses, cones and hats! Before the fireman left they let the children hear the siren. It was a highlight for many of the children this week!

In class the children have also been busy writing stories about what they want do when they grow up and drawing pictures.

For Red Nose Day the children came dressed up as their “Future Me”. We had Policemen, a singer, a DJ, Footballers and a Zookeeper to name just a few.