
We had great fun today in the snow! We made snow angels and built snow castles. Our mud kitchen became a snow kitchen and we even did some painting in the snow. We had to make sure we were dressed up warm with our wellies, coats, hats, scarves and gloves. We enjoyed playing in the snow but we also liked coming back inside to warm up!

New Shed in the ELC Garden!

Last week we had a new shed delivered to our ELC garden. We had great fun exploring it and discussing what we could use it for.  These are some of our ideas:

“Let’s make it a house” Millie

“a sofa to relax” Ava

“toys and bikes” Jack

“chairs and cushions” Penny

“pencils” Caris

“stories” Sophie

” a shed for bikes ” Ryan

Parents and Carers we will be asking for your views too on how we could best use this new shed to aid our learning in the ELC.

Money, Money, Money!

We have been enjoying investigating money in both the Red and Green ELC rooms. We have been sorting coins and learning to identify 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins. We have also been learning the nursery rhyme ‘ 5 Current Buns in a Baker’s Shop’, which is our nursery rhyme of the week. We have had fun creating our own current bun shop using a till and playdough.

5 Current Buns in a Baker’s Shop


We have had a great week in the Green and Red ELC rooms learning all about fireworks. We made our own fireworks using different colours of paint and chalk. We also made rockets and used musical instruments to make the sound of different fireworks going off. We learnt how to stay safe around fireworks:  standing well back from bonfires and wearing gloves if you are holding sparklers.

On Friday we had a fireworks party. We came dressed in our pyjamas, created our own campfires and made mini pizzas for snack, we had great fun!