Term 2 – Weeks 2 & 3

Anti Bullying Week 2018

The videos that we  watched were very informative of the dangers of bulling we could decide what happens next in the interactive video and we voted what we thought was best for the boy who was being bullied.

Text Help Training

Recently we have got text help training from our classmates.

From Kirstin, Cooper and Alistair we learned cool and quick tricks to help our reading and writing on the computer they did a great job helping us, well done to them!


In french we recently we have been drawing some posters and describing the drawings.

For example some were sportif dangereurx and bete. Also we have been doing some really cool word searches in french that took a lot of thinking.


We have been recently been learning Christmas songs and learning beats and rests. Also we have been learning different notes like soh and lah.


Recently we have been doing fitness week with miss macrae we’ve been doing circuits to build up stamina and endurance some were more tiring then others.


In writing we have been making anti bullying raps we watched  an anti bully rap that gave us inspiration

and ideas some of them were very good and informative.


Written by Harrison and David B