Broomhill School P1 Room 5

June 29, 2017
by Miss Aitken

Videos for nursery!

To help the nursery boys and girls who are coming into P1 next year, we made short information videos for them all about P1.  First we storyboarded our ideas, drawing and writing about what we would include.  We then took photos and video clips to add to Adobe Spark.  We added voice over for each photo/clip and chose our own theme and music.  We invited the nursery children along to our class to view our videos.  We hope it helps with the transition from nursery to P1!  Thank you to the P6 and P7 children who helped us.

Storyboarding our ideas:


Our videos:

June 19, 2017
by Miss Aitken

Critter Keeper!

We had a fantastic visit from the Critter Keeper today.  He brought in lots of animals for us to see and even touch some of them!  We learnt lots of new information about each animal.  Thank you to Dave and his Critter Crew!

June 9, 2017
by Miss Aitken

If I was Prime Minister…


This week on Newsround we have been learning about the general election.  We wrote about what we would do if we became Prime Minister and then presented our ideas to the class.  Pledges included:

  • more money to schools
  • more money and food for poor people
  • help the police
  • paint the school orange
  • help all the animals
  • grow lots of flowers
  • make the bad people good
  • cover the world in rainbows and unicorns
  • make sure no diseases go round people
  • help people who are ill
  • help the zoos
  • give people free ice-cream tickets
  • we would be allowed to choose straight away at school

Some great ideas – we might have a future Prime Minister in our class!


June 2, 2017
by Miss Aitken

Adobe Spark Road Safety

This week we have been learning all about keeping safe when we cross the road.  We watched a video and PowerPoint presentation in class and discussed how we could keep safe when crossing the road.  We learnt all about the Green Cross Code.  We practised what we had learnt in small groups outside.  We all had turns at being the pedestrians, traffic, lollipop person as well as being in charge to ensure everyone was keeping safe.  We then worked with a partner to create our own Adobe Spark video to show what we had learnt.    Here is the video made by Lennon and Nicole:






May 24, 2017
by Miss Aitken


We have been learning all about potatoes as part of our farm topic.  We planted some seed potatoes in the wildlife garden today with Mrs Webster’s class.  We will be watching how they grow and will harvest them after the summer holidays.





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