Broomhill School P7 Room 22

Just another – Aberdeen site

December 11, 2015
by Mrs Shaw

Problem Solving: Harlaw Numeracy Morning

One of the activities involved answering different problem solving maths questions in order to win points. If you got it right first time you would get 2 points. If you got a hint and then got it right you would get 1 point.

An example of one of the questions is below.


The question was ‘ How any degrees are there in a right angel?’ Which sounds easy but some people wrote 90 degrees because the word angel looks like the word angle.

At the end of the session the teacher told us that what we were doing was S2 maths!

Post by Sarah and Esme.


December 11, 2015
by Mrs Shaw

Tangrams: Harlaw Numeracy Morning

The tangrams were paper cut-out shapes combined in a certain way to make boats, candles, dogs, rabbits, chairs, etc. The puzzles were hard but also quite entertaining! I enjoyed the visit and hope everyone else did too!

Post by Ben.


December 11, 2015
by Mrs Shaw

Harlaw Numeracy Morning

On the 9th of December 2015, all of P7 went to Harlaw Academy for a numeracy morning. We did a variety of activities including: problem solving, tangrams, shape memorising, ICT activities, shape making with sums and triangle puzzles.


We really enjoyed the morning and made lots of new friends. The most important thing we learnt was that maths isn’t just about sums and numbers!

Post by Amy A., Lucy D., Miyah, Amy D. and Abi.


December 11, 2015
by Mrs Shaw


Due to our Topic being World War Two and Remembrance Day coming up, our class painted Vincent van Gogh inspired art. The piece of art was called Poppy Fields. We painted our poppy pictures with many different shades of paint. Everybody enjoyed it. It was an extremely fun afternoon.

Post by Lois.

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