Homework for Monday 5th December.
All children are required to re-watch episode 1 of Inanimate Alice (linked below). All of the children will complete the same reading task this week to their own ability. http://www.inanimatealice.com/episode1/
The task
Children are required to think about the character called Brad. The only information we have to go on is Alice’s drawing. What can you tell about him from the drawing? Can you think about the qualities your virtual friend would have if you were to create one. Your task is to record these qualities in a mind map form and draw a picture of your virtual friend.
Extensions if you fancy giving them a go
The popularity of social networks in recent times has encouraged people to create their own avatars i.e. graphic representations of themselves. Can you write down 5 main characteristics which define who you are. You could do this in the form of an acrostic poem if you like… e.g.
You may also create a cartoon/avatar version of yourself.