Wishing you all a happy festive period! From Miss Harper ππ
December 22, 2016
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December 22, 2016
by User deactivated
Wishing you all a happy festive period! From Miss Harper ππ
December 22, 2016
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Alex and Noah from R22 came through to teach us how to make origami Christmas wreaths. We have taken them home so hopefully you’ll all have one in your own home for the festive period! The end product looks great! Below are some pictures of the folding process.
December 16, 2016
by User deactivated
December 16, 2016
by User deactivated
We we are very fortunate to have a pupil in p7 who has a black belt karate! She planned a lesson and taught us all some of the. We had lots of fun! Thank you so much πΊ
December 8, 2016
by User deactivated
The children had the wonderful opportunity to take part in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony today. They tried matcha green tea and learned the importance on cleanliness and respect during the ceremony. As a class we very much enjoyed our time and would like to thank our visitors for giving up their time.
The children took a lot of photos so I have attached them in an album below. Enjoy!
Miss Harper
December 6, 2016
by User deactivated
Here are the links to the Christmas songs for the Torchlight Sevice. As Miss Macrae said today, as part of your homework, you are required to learn the lyrics off by heart π Happy singing!
December 6, 2016
by User deactivated
Manga is a style of Japanese drawing. We have been doing some of our own in Room 21 and we are quite impressed with how they turned out. Here are some examples!
December 6, 2016
by User deactivated
The children have been taking part in fitness classes for the past few weeks. They’ve been working very hard trying out lots of new exercises and strength skills. Below are some pictures from their classes.
December 5, 2016
by User deactivated
Japanese Inventions Talks due Monday 12th December.
Over the next two weeks, please write and practise a talk on a Japanese invention of your interest β anything from robots and artificial intelligence to ramen cooling fans is fine, so long as you can make it interesting for your audience to listen to.
We are looking forward to listening to a variety of talks so remember to choose your subject carefully and spend quality time preparing and practising your presentation!
This week for maths homework children are required to work on their Big Maths learn its. They can record their times for each attempt so I can see their improvements throughout the week!
Individuals will receive spelling homework from their spelling teacher.
Re-watch episode 2 of Inanimate Alice. Children will be given group specific work for this week’s Inanimate Alice homework.
Inanimate Alice β Episode 2.
December 1, 2016
by User deactivated
Homework for MondayΒ 5th December.
All children are required to re-watch episode 1 of Inanimate Alice (linked below). All of the children will complete the same reading task this week to their own ability. http://www.inanimatealice.com/episode1/
The task
Children are required to think about the character called Brad. The only information we have to go on is Alice’s drawing. What can you tell about him from the drawing? Can you think about the qualities your virtual friend would have if you were to create one. Your task is to record these qualities in a mind map form and draw a picture of your virtual friend.
Extensions if you fancy giving them a go
The popularity of social networks in recent times has encouraged people to create their own avatars i.e. graphic representations of themselves. Can you write down 5 main characteristics which define who you are. You could do this in the form of an acrostic poem if you like… e.g.
You may also create a cartoon/avatar version of yourself.
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