Please send back the consent slip for our trip to Duthie Park and the money and consent slip for our trip to the Garden Centre in Stonehaven.
Common Words – This week our words are come and little. P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Friday.
Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.
Phonics – This week we are learning to recognise, read and spell with consonant blends – gr, pr, br, tr, fr, cr (e.g. grip, print, bring, from, crib).
Spelling homework continues for Primary 1 this week. The children will get 6 words on a Monday to practise during the week, ready for an informal spelling test on the Friday. The first word will be one of their common words, the next 4 will be 3 letter words and the final word will be a slightly trickier 4 letter word. The main purpose of this spelling homework is to give the children a chance to practise their blending skills. We would appreciate your support in helping your child to copy each word two times at home, neatly and correctly. If they are finding it tricky please also help them to practise making their spelling words in other fun ways – magnetic letters, crayons, finger paints etc. The final part of the homework task is to choose one word to draw a picture of, in the blank space. Please encourage your child to write the word beside the picture. Please sign completed homework and send it into school by the Thursday.
P2 spelling homework will be given out on Monday to be handed in on Thursday.
French – Counting 1 – 12
Number – Most of Primary 1 will be working with numbers to 20 – counting in 2s and Odd and Even numbers.
Most of Primary 2 will be working with the numbers to 100 – counting in 2s and Odd and Even numbers.