Category Archives: Parent Info

Photos and information about our class.

Week beginning 27.06.16

untitledThe children will be taking part in their potted sports on Monday

On Wednesday morning we will be walking to the Duthie Park for our annual school picnic. Please ensure your child has on suitable footwear and a lightweight waterproof jacket. If it’s sunny that morning please also remember to put sun cream on your child. Thank you to all our parents who have offered to help with this (especially after our rather trip intense term!!).

Primary 7 leaver’s assembly is on Thursday afternoon.

The end of term service will be on Friday.

We have finished reading and spelling for the year. Reading books will be collected in on Tuesday. Please check at home one last time for any reading books that went astray this year.

Common word homework will be given out on Monday to be returned on Thursday.

This week we will be sending lots of folders, workbooks and artwork home. Please send a carrier bag into school each day for all their things.

Thank you for all your support over the last year. We’ve had a lovely year full of great achievements, happy times and lots and lots of laughter!

Fabulous Fruit

We had a fabulous afternoon exploring and tasting a selection of fruits. We investigated the seeds found in each fruit and were all adventurous and tasted each and every variety. Well done Room 1!



Week Beginning 20.06.16


On Wednesday 22nd June, Rooms 1 and 2 will be going on their trip to Hazlehead Park. Please remember to come dressed for the weather and remember a snack, drinks and packed lunch. (Except those who requested a packed lunch from the school kitchen.)

Thursday 23rd June – School will be closed for polling.

Common Words – This week our words are more, want and many. P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Friday.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.

Phonics – This week we are learning to recognise, read and spell with consonant blends – ll and ss, as in pill/well and grass/mess.

Spelling homework continues for Primary 1 this week. The children will get 6 words on Monday to practise during the week, ready for an informal spelling test on the Friday.  The main purpose of this spelling homework is to give the children a chance to practise their blending skills. We would appreciate your support in helping your child to copy each word two times at home, neatly and correctly. If they are finding it tricky please also help them to practise making their spelling words in other fun ways – magnetic letters, crayons, finger paints etc. The final part of the homework task is to choose one word to draw a picture of, in the blank space. Please encourage your child to write the word beside the picture. Please sign completed homework and send it into school by Friday this week.

P2 spelling homework will be given out on Monday to be handed in on Friday this week.

French – Counting 1 – 12, colours and weather.

Number – Most of Primary 1 will be revising subtraction from 7, 8 and 9 and will be working on addition and subtraction stories of 10.

Most of Primary 2 will be working on addition and subtraction stories of 13, 14 and 15.

Kirkton Garden Centre

We had a great time at Kirkton Garden Centre in Stonehaven today. David, Linda, Yvonne and Helen made sure we had a fun and interesting time doing lots of different activities! It was a big treat to have juice and biscuits in the cafe!!

Week beginning 06.06.16


Please send back the money and consent slip for our trip to the Garden Centre in Stonehaven.

Our trip to the garden centre is this Wednesday (8th of June).

On Friday we will be working with Room 8 to help them lead assembly. We will be talking all about minibeasts. Please help your child to practise any words that have been sent home. Please also help them to practise the words sent home for the song 5 little caterpillars… It is to the tune of 5 currant buns but the last line of each verse is proving to be very difficult!!

Common Words – This week our words are down and what. P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Friday.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Thursday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.

Phonics – This week we are learning to recognise, read and spell with consonant blends – sl, sm, sn, st, sp, sk – as in snip, slip, stop.

Spelling homework continues for Primary 1 this week. The children will get 6 words on a Monday to practise during the week, ready for an informal spelling test on the Friday. The first word will be one of their common words, the next 4 will be 3 letter words and the final word will be a slightly trickier 4 letter word. The main purpose of this spelling homework is to give the children a chance to practise their blending skills. We would appreciate your support in helping your child to copy each word two times at home, neatly and correctly. If they are finding it tricky please also help them to practise making their spelling words in other fun ways – magnetic letters, crayons, finger paints etc. The final part of the homework task is to choose one word to draw a picture of, in the blank space. Please encourage your child to write the word beside the picture. Please sign completed homework and send it into school by the Thursday.

P2 spelling homework will be given out on Monday to be handed in on Thursday.

French – Counting 1 – 12

Number – Most of Primary 1 will be working on addition stories of 6, 7 and 8.

Most of Primary 2 will be working on addition and subtraction stories of 11.

CLIC Targets 30.5.16


Primary 1.

Counting – Comparing and ordering numbers to 20. Partitioning numbers to 20 – 16 = 10 + 6

Learn Its – Counting in 10s, Counting in 2s

It’s nothing new – Doubling 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Halving 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

Calculations – Mental addition and subtraction to 10

Primary 2.

C – Comparing and ordering numbers to 100. Partitioning numbers to 20 e.g. 16 = 10 + 6

L – 4 + 2 = 6,  5 + 2 = 7.  Counting in 2s

I – Missing parts – addition stories of 10.

C – Adding 10