Category Archives: Parent Info

Photos and information about our class.

Week beginning 25.04.16

P1 Handwriting Homework – Handwriting letters for this week are x and z. These will be given as homework on Monday and Wednesday and should be returned to school the next day.

Common Words – This week our words are come and some. P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Thursday. P1s and P2s have now got Common Word Wall 4 in your Common Word Book or your Home/School Book. These words will be assessed in school, but please use them to practise at home.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.

Phonics – This week we are learning to recognise, read and spell with th at the end of words.

In class we do lots of word making activities, so ask your child to show off their knowledge to you. Why not try getting them to set out their sounds into alphabetical order and asking them to spell a range of 3 letter words, along with oo words (moon, pool, foot, book), ai words (pain, rain, jail, nail), oa words (toad, goat, moan), ee words (seed, weed, feet, street) and or words (torn, storm, fork).

P2 spelling homework will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. The new th words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday. Please remember to practise the two common words as well as these can often trip the children up.

Number – Most of Primary 1 will be working with numbers to 20 – counting, reading, writing and sequencing the numbers.

Most of Primary 2 will be revisiting the numbers to a hundred – counting, reading, writing and sequencing the numbers.

Our topic this term will be Parks and Gardens. This week we will be using Google Earth to investigate the Duthie Park and will go on to make a simple map of our own park.

CLIC targets – Week beginning 25.04.16


Primary 1.

Counting – Counting aloud, recognising and writing numbers to 20.

Learn Its – 2+1=3, 3+2=5

It’s nothing new – Doubling 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Halving 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

Calculations – Mental addition to 10

Primary 2.

C – Recognising and reading 2 digit numbers.

L – 9+1=10, 8+2=10, 7+3=10, 6+4=10, 5+5=10

I – Missing parts – addition stories of 10.

C – Mental addition to 10 and beyond.

Week beginning 18.04.16


P1 Handwriting Homework – Handwriting letters for this week are v and w. These will be given as homework on Monday and Wednesday and should be returned to school the next day.

Common Words – This week our words are this and see.  P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Thursday.  P1s and P2s have now got Common Word Wall 4  in your Common Word Book or your Home/School Book.  These words will be assessed in school, but please use them to practise at home.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.

Phonics – This week we are learning to recognise, read and spell with th at the beginning of words.

In class we do lots of word making activities, so ask your child to show off their knowledge to you. Why not try getting them to set out their sounds into alphabetical order and asking them to spell a range of 3 letter words, along with oo words (moon, pool, foot, book), ai words (pain, train, jail, nail), oa words (toad, goat, moan), ee words (seed, weed, feet, street) and or words (torn, storm, fork).

P2 spelling homework will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. These new th words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday. Please remember to practise the two common words as well as these can often trip the children up.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will be continuing to learn about money – adding up coins, setting out the correct coins for amounts up to 10p.

Our topic this term will be Parks and Gardens. We are looking forward to getting out and about to explore parks, gardens and the outdoors.

Skippy the Lamb

We had a  fabulous afternoon with our special visitor, learning lots about lambs and the life of a crofter.  The children were absolute stars and we are so proud of how well they behaved and cared for Skippy.


Week Beginning 28.03.16


Monday 28th March – We will be attending church for our Easter service at 10.30am. There will be a collection taken at the door so the children can take along a donation if they wish.

P1 Handwriting Homework – Handwriting letters for this week are f and s. These will be given as homework on Monday and Wednesday and should be returned to school the next day.

Common Words – This week our words are then and that.  P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Thursday.  P1s and P2s have now got Common Word Wall 4  in your Common Word Book or your Home/School Book.  These words will be assessed in school, but please use them to practise at home.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.

Phonics – This week we are continuing the sounds of ch and focussing on it at the end of words, such as much, pinch and hutch.  This sound is already in the sounds envelope at the front of the pink book and can be used to make words along with the other letter sounds.

P2 spelling homework  – Will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. These new ch words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday. Please remember to practise the two common words as well as these can often trip the children up.

Maths – We will carry on with our work about coin recognition and addition of money.   Our CLIC sessions will also continue.

Topic – This week we will be learning about Spring lambs and meeting Skippy.  We will also be finishing our Easter stories and crafts.

This term finishes on Friday 1st April at 3.00pm. We are off for 2 weeks holiday and return to school on Monday 18th April.

We hope you all enjoy your Easter holidays.

A Special Visitor


On Tuesday afternoon we will have a very special visitor coming to meet the children in Room 1.  Skippy, a newly-born orphaned lamb, will be popping into school with Mrs Will’s father who is a crofter.  We are delighted to have the opportunity to learn more about Spring lambs and to see Skippy getting bottle-fed.  We are also going to have the opportunity to pet our very friendly lamb and learn more about life on a small croft.

In terms of health and safety, an extensive risk assessment has been carried out and is available for you to look at if you require.  We will wash our hands thoroughly, both before and after the visit, and the children will have a discussion about staying safe and looking after the lamb prior to her visit.  If you would like to see a copy of the Risk Assessment that has been carried out, please speak to Mrs Will for a copy.

Although we have a record in school of all pupil allergies, please can you inform us, in writing, if your child is allergic to straw, hay or animals.  Likewise, if you would prefer your child not to touch the lamb, please let Mrs Will know before Tuesday afternoon.

We will take lots of photographs of our exciting afternoon, so be sure to come back and visit our class blog to see them.

Week beginning 21.03.16


P1 Handwriting Homework – Handwriting letters for this week are m and p. These will be given as homework on Monday and Wednesday and should be returned to school the next day.

Common Words – This week our words are live and give.  P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Thursday.  P1s and P2s have now got Common Word Wall 4  in your Common Word Book or your Home/School Book.  These words will be assessed in school, but please use them to practise at home.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.

Phonics – This week we are continuing the sounds of ch as in chop and chest.

In class we do lots of word making activities, so ask your child to show off their knowledge to you. Why not try getting them to set out their sounds into alphabetical order and asking them to spell a range of 3 letter words, along with oo words (moon, pool, foot, book), ai words (pain, train, jail, nail), oa words (toad, goat, moan), ee words (seed, weed, feet, street) and or words (torn, storm, fork).

P2 spelling homework will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. These new ch words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday. Please remember to practise the two common words as well as these can often trip the children up.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will be introduced to coins and will progress on to addition of money.

Our topic for the next few weeks will be ‘Festivals and Special Days’.  We will be learning about the Easter Story this week.

Week beginning 14.03.16


P1 Handwriting Homework – Handwriting letters for this week are r and n. These will be given as homework on Monday and Wednesday and should be returned to school the next day.

Common Words – This week our words are just and were.  P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Thursday.  P1s and P2s, please keep practising the common word walls 1, 2 and 3 in your Common Word Book or your Home/School Book.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.

Phonics – This week we are continuing the sounds of sh as in shop and fish.

In class we do lots of word making activities, so ask your child to show off their knowledge to you. Why not try getting them to set out their sounds into alphabetical order and asking them to spell a range of 3 letter words, along with oo words (moon, pool, foot, book), ai words (pain, train, jail, nail), oa words (toad, goat, moan), ee words (seed, weed, feet, street) and or words (torn, storm, fork).

P2 spelling homework will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. These new sh words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday. Please remember to practise the two common words as well as these can often trip the children up.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will be working on 3D shape and Data Handling.

Our topic for the next few weeks will be ‘Festivals and Special Days’.  We will be learning more about Spring and will discover lots about St Patrick’s Day.

Week Beginning 7.3.16


P1 Handwriting Homework – Handwriting letters for this week are h and k. These will be given as homework on Monday and Wednesday and should be returned to school the next day.

Common Words – This week our words are play and with.  P1s, please complete the homework in the white book for Thursday.  P1s and P2s, please keep practising the common word walls 1, 2 and 3 in your Common Word Book or your Home/School Book.

Reading – Primary 1 and 2 children will receive a new reading book on Monday and Wednesday. Some children have a new word list in their Home/School Book which will continually be assessed in school, but please use it to help you practise the new reading words at home.

Phonics – This week our sounds are sh as in shop and fish.  The sounds will be put in the sounds envelope at the front of the pink book and can be used to make words along with the other letter sounds.

In class we do lots of word making activities, so ask your child to show off their knowledge to you. Why not try getting them to set out their sounds into alphabetical order and asking them to spell a range of 3 letter words, along with oo words (moon, pool, foot, book), ai words (pain, train, jail, nail) and oa words (toad, goat, moan).

P2 spelling homework will be given on Monday and should be completed for Thursday. These sh words should be practised each night at home, ready for the spelling test on Friday. Please remember to practise the two common words as well as these can often trip the children up.

Number – Primary 1 and 2 will be working on 2D and 3D shape.

Our topic for the next few weeks will be ‘Festivals and Special Days’.