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There is no such thing as bad weather….honest.

What an amazing week we have had in nursery so far. The weather has changed a lot and the children have been looking at the trees and the leaves changing colors.

We went for a walk today in nursery and found some amazing things in our playground.

We looked at beautiful leaves of different colors and different sizes. The children showed each other their favorite leaves and we compared the different sizes.

The children had a competition to see who could find the smallest leaf.

We came back to nursery and had a warm snack  and had a story before going to play in the puddles outside before our parents and carers came to pick up.

Our children are asked to take their suits on and off when they come in to nursery. Especially when it is really wet. We ask that all the children practice taking their suits on and off at home. We understand this can be time consuming but please encourage your children’s independence as much as you can.

Thank you.


What a busy week in the morning nursery!



What a busy week we have had in the morning nursery!!!

We have spent our week learning our friends names by playing group games.  We have been playing with play-dough, mud, water and water beads in the mud kitchen and in the tuff tray.



We made a huge slide out of a tarp and slid down the big hill in nursery – wearing our water proof suits helped us go really fast and we didn’t need any water!
 We made new friends and learned to share.

We also have some new tents in our garden so that we can shelter from the weather and play games in them.  It also is fun just to hide from our friends in the tents, or play houses.

It has been a very busy week in the morning nursery class.

Have a great weekend everyone and see you next week!

A.M- Fun Time Friday!!!

Allowing the children to try out our umbrellas in the garden.
Unfortunately the staff can be just as bad as the children with the new hose.
Our new friends are loving sharing and taking turns… soaking their friends…
…soaking the IPADS and ….
soaking the teachers too.
It has been a great laugh today…. no need for showers tonight.


The morning nursery got a little wet, we splashed in puddles, made play-dough/goop and had a fab fun time Friday outside in the sun!

The staff all needed a spare pair of clothes too!