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P7 – S1 Transition: Bridge Building

P7 – S1 Transition: Bridge Building

As part of their transition to academy, P7 pupils will be attending a bridge building workshop at Lochside Academy on Tuesday 5th November. The lessons will take place from 1:00pm-3:00pm. We will have an early lunch and walk to Lochside Academy together as a class. Pupils should ensure they have suitable footwear and jacket for this.
The pupils will be dismissed from Lochside Academy at 3:00 and should make their own way home from there or be collected by parents/carers.

CLIC Targets 31.10.19

We will be working on the following CLIC Targets this week:

CLIC targets 31.10.19

C – Count back in 10s
3 digit numbers, 4 digit numbers, decimal numbers

L – 4 times table facts

I – Multiples

C – Addition: 3 digits + 3 digits

567 + 281

567 + 200 = 767
767 + 80 = 847
847 + 1 = 848


P7 will be taking part in rugby lessons for the next 4 weeks. The lessons will take place on Tuesdays 2:15 – 2:55. The sessions will take place outdoors, therefore children should ensure they have suitable shoes and clothing for taking part.

CLIC targets – Week beginning 30th September

We will be working on the following CLIC Targets this week:

Big Maths – CLIC targets
30th September

C- counting
Count in 1s (decimals and negative numbers


L – Learn Its
3 times table (including division facts)
3 x 8 = 24
8 x 3 = 24
24 ÷ 3 = 8
24 ÷ 8 = 3

I – It’s Nothing New
Multiples of 3: eg 3, 36, 99

C – Calculation
Multiply 2 digits by 2 digits
43 x 62
40 x 60 = 2400
40 x 2 = 80
3 x 60 = 180
3 x 2 = 6
So 43 x 62 = 2400 + 80 + 180 + 6 = 2666

Homework for Friday 4th October

Homework for Friday 4th October


  • Copy words twice more (look, cover, write, check)
  • Sentences x 6



  • Multiplication sheet


Health & Wellbeing

  • Think about your achievements, in or outside of school. List these in your homework jotter and we can add to our ‘My World of Work’ profiles in school. If you would like to share any of these achievements at the assembly on Friday, let me know.