CLIC targets – Week beginning 30th September

We will be working on the following CLIC Targets this week:

Big Maths – CLIC targets
30th September

C- counting
Count in 1s (decimals and negative numbers


L – Learn Its
3 times table (including division facts)
3 x 8 = 24
8 x 3 = 24
24 ÷ 3 = 8
24 ÷ 8 = 3

I – It’s Nothing New
Multiples of 3: eg 3, 36, 99

C – Calculation
Multiply 2 digits by 2 digits
43 x 62
40 x 60 = 2400
40 x 2 = 80
3 x 60 = 180
3 x 2 = 6
So 43 x 62 = 2400 + 80 + 180 + 6 = 2666

Homework for Friday 4th October

Homework for Friday 4th October


  • Copy words twice more (look, cover, write, check)
  • Sentences x 6



  • Multiplication sheet


Health & Wellbeing

  • Think about your achievements, in or outside of school. List these in your homework jotter and we can add to our ‘My World of Work’ profiles in school. If you would like to share any of these achievements at the assembly on Friday, let me know.

Homework for Thursday 19th September

Homework for Thursday 19th September


  • Copy words twice more (look, cover, write, check)
  • Spelling pyramids








Pyramids –

Comparing decimals. Is the number more than (>), less than (<) or equal to (=) ?

Spheres / Cubes – 6 digit numbers


What place is the selected digit in?

Hundred thousands (HTh)

Ten thousands (TTh)

Thousands (Th)

Hundreds (H)

Tens (T)

Units (U)


What is the value of the selected digit?

800000, 80000, 8000, 800, 80 or 8?




Homework – fantastic effort

Well done to all pupils for completing last week’s homework. Tasks were completed to a high standard and it was clear a real effort had been put into the work.

Thanks to all for your support.  Lots of interesting information has been gathered for our World War II topic.


Keep up the good work, P7!

Homework for Friday 13th September

Homework for Friday 13th September


Copy words twice more (look, cover, write, check)

Sentences x5



Pyramids – decimals to 3 places place value sheet

Spheres / Cubes – 5 digit numbers partitioning sheet


Topic / Talking and listening

Talk to someone at home about our new topic World War II.

  • Is anything you can bring in to support with our topic?
  • Can anyone at home support us with our topic?
  • Write down any facts shared with you at home.

P7 Class Trip

P7 will be attending the Ultimate Bible Exhibition at Fernielea Gospel Hall next Friday morning, 13th September. We are looking for parent helpers to support us on our trip. We are leaving school at 9:15am and will return before lunchtime. If you are able to help please let me know through Dojo or the school office.

Thank you,
Miss McDougall