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Home Learning Tasks – Monday 23rd March

Home Learning Tasks – Monday 23rd March

Social, emotional health and wellbeing
• Morning check in / weekend news

• Spelling – dictionary work
• Reading – reflective reading short read task map, video clip, ‘The Doll that Chose to Drive’. 4 questions.

• Measuring weight – practical weighing activities (g and kg) and supermarket problem solving activity
• CLIC maths – 4 powerpoints to work through (see CLIC targets)
• Sumdog

All tasks can be found on Google Classroom. Let me know if you need support to access the activities.

Home Learning

Good morning.
The pupils will be able to access their school work for today on Google Classroom. Work will be posted here daily for the children to continue their learning from home.
The pupils can also access Sumdog and Education City.
Please let me know if you require login details for your child.

Hope you are all well,
Miss McDougall

Open Afternoon: Wednesday 4th December 3:00pm – 4:00pm

P7 Christmas open afternoon

P7 invite you to our open afternoon on Wednesday 4th December at 3:00pm.


You will have the chance to take part in some Christmas activities with the children, including:

  • Christmas art and craft
  • Maths – Christmas code breaking
  • Literacy – Christmas poems / stories


We will also be selling Christmas decorations, handmade by the P7 pupils.


We hope to see as many of you there as possible.

Christmas craft

As part of enterprise education, P7 will be making Christmas crafts to sell at our open afternoon next week. Our open afternoon will take place on Wednesday 4th December (3:00 – 4:00pm).

We plan to make our crafts on Monday 2nd December in the morning. If anyone would like to support with the craft activities on Monday please let me know. We will have sessions at 9:15 – 10:15 and 11:00 – 12:00.

Homework for Friday 8th November

Homework for Friday 8th November


  • Copy words twice more (look, cover, write, check)


  • Suns – Dictionary work x4 (find the meaning of 4 unknown words)

Moons – Write a 3 word family for each word eg windy, windier, windiest

Stars – Sort words into 4 groups. Add 2 more words of your own to each list.



  • Addition sheet

P7 – S1 Transition: slips to return

P7 – S1 Transition: Bridge Building

Pupils will bring home slips today regarding our visit to Lochside Academy.
Please indicate if your child will be walking home from Lochside or be collected.
Please complete this slip and return to school for Tuesday 5th November.

We hope the pupils are looking forward to visiting the academy.