Eco Schools
Eco Schools is an international organisation that is designed to encourage pupils in the whole school to take action on the key issues related to the environment. 98% of schools in Scotland are currently taking part in this scheme, with 3,700 schools registered with the Eco Schools programme in Scotland.
There are three levels of achievement to work through.
- Bronze Level
- Silver Level
- Green Flag (which must be renewed every two years)
We are currently working towards Green Flag status. To achieve this we are as a whole school working on the following areas this year.
- Litter
- Health and Wellbeing
- Waste Minimisation
Eco Committee
The Eco Committee is made up of pupils who put themselves forward, and were selected by their peers to be their class representatives. This year the people elected are:
P2/3 – Keira and Archie
P3 – Shauni and Matthew
P4 – Abbey and Bradley
P5 – Camryn and Kyle ( Vice Chairperson)
P6 – Ibrahim and Jessica
P7 – Callum and Iona (Chairperson)
The Eco Committee meets weekly with Mrs Christie to discuss and develop ideas taken from the rest of the pupils on 3 given areas. The Eco representatives report back to their respective classes what they have discussed in the meeting that afternoon.
Fruity Friday
To cover the area of Health and Wellbeing we have introduced ‘Fruity Friday,‘ whereby the children, throughout the school, are encouraged to take a fruit as a snack for break on Fridays.
- The names of the pupils who have got a fruit snack are recorded on a chart by the Eco reps. and at the end of the term these pupils will receive a prize.
- The percentage of children bringing fruit snack for each class is recorded as well and the results in reverse order from 3rd to 1st place are announced in the assembly every week. The class in 1st place also receives a certificate. This term the Primary 7s are particularly good.
Next term we are hoping to start a ‘Healthy Tuck Shop‘, once a week .
Every class in school has a white recycling bag and is encouraged to recycle paper and cardboard. Once a week these bags are collected and weighed to see which class recycled the most. The winning class receives a certificate.
The paper that could be reused like used worksheets or pieces of coloured or white paper left after displays, is put in a paper tray made from a recycled box. The children are allowed to use this at school or at the end of each week are allowed to take some of this paper home to draw on/create art work with.This should help to achieve the target of waste minimisation.