Hanukkah by Leah Cranham

There are a festival called Hanukkah, .Every Saturday they go to a temple but there’s something really special to them it is the menorah!  The menorah has nine candles and they light it up every day with a special oil. But one day there was an army because of the Greeks. They killed lots of people  and the broke all of the special oil.  But there is some people called the Maccabees, they were very brave  They fought the Greeks even with not a lot of people  but the Maccabees looked everywhere.  They only found one bottle so they lit it up.  It would only last for one day and it takes eight days to make more oil!  It was eight day it stayed lit, everyone was happy!!

The Story of Hanukkah

We are continuing our journey around the world to find out about different winter festivals.  This week we are learning about Hanukkah!  This year, Hannukah takes place from 2 December to 10 December.  Here is a video to share at home about this festival.

Spelling Words: Week Beg 19/11/18

This week our special sound is “ie=ee”


  1. Field
  2. Piece
  3. Chief
  4. Their
  5. Shield
  6. Pulled
  7. Pushed
  8. Played



All the Foxes words plus –

  1. Belief
  2. Climbed



Sames as Badgers, but not 6, 7 & 8 of the Foxes words.  Instead:

  1. Wait
  2. Quickly
  3. Person

Rotary shoebox by lyla

Gift suggestions for your shoebox here is some suggestions of toys cars trucks etc balls bubble blowers and you can bring in cosy stuff like scarf gloves socks and hats  if you can bring some of that stuff that will be brilliant that will be for children what do not have any toys thanks

Designing Puppets

When making puppets, first you need to know who your characters are.

Diwali:  Hindu festival of light.  We watched the story of Sita and Raman.  Other characters were Ravana and Hanuman.

Then you need to sketch your character as a puppet, and annotate the sketch.  This helps us decide what resources to use.


The Story of Rama and Sita

This term we are learning about winter festivals from around the world.  Diwali was on Wednesday, 7 November, 2018.  This Hindu festival is our starting our topic.  We watched this video earlier today, and later this week we will be making puppets to recreate the story of Rama and Sita.

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