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Pupil of the Week

A huge congratulations to our very first Pupil of the Week for P2/3 – Aila McPherson!

Aila has been such a hard working girl these first few weeks and is always keen to lend a helpful hand around the classroom. She has come to school each morning with a big smile on her face and a great attitude! What a great start Aila! We are proud of you!

Welcome to P2/3!

We would like to wish you a warm welcome to our P2/3 Class Blog!

We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead in P2/3 and aim to regularly share information and photos to keep you up to date with what we are getting up to in class. We hope you will find the Blog useful and welcome any comments or feedback you may have.

Just a reminder that our job share pattern for this session will be as follows:-

Monday, Tuesday and alternate Fridays – Ms Dezall

Wednesday, Thursday and alternate Fridays – Mrs Forbes

We look forward to working with you all!