Making Friends at Margaret Clyne Court

What a wonderful afternoon we had today making new friends with some of the residents in Margaret Clyne Court! We went on a visit as part of our Community Topic and had a lovely time chatting with the residents and enjoying a lively game of Beetle together! The children were brilliant at explaining the rules to their new friends and it was great to see so many smiling faces around the room – both young and old! Everyone commented on how lovely and well behaved the boys and girls were today – we were extremely proud of them all! The   residents were very keen for us to go back again so we are hoping to build up our relationship with the home and organise some more visits soon.


Star of the Week

Congratulations go to Charlie for being chosen as our Pupil of the Week! Charlie has shown a consistently can-do attitude towards all of his jobs and makes a huge effort to complete all tasks in the given time. Way to go, Charlie! We are so proud of you!