All posts by Mrs Forbes

Making Friends at Margaret Clyne Court

What a wonderful afternoon we had today making new friends with some of the residents in Margaret Clyne Court! We went on a visit as part of our Community Topic and had a lovely time chatting with the residents and enjoying a lively game of Beetle together! The children were brilliant at explaining the rules to their new friends and it was great to see so many smiling faces around the room – both young and old! Everyone commented on how lovely and well behaved the boys and girls were today – we were extremely proud of them all! The   residents were very keen for us to go back again so we are hoping to build up our relationship with the home and organise some more visits soon.


House Hunt!

We had lots of fun this week on our House Hunt around Kincorth! In class, we have been learning about different types of houses so we decided to go exploring in our local area. We were very good at identifying the houses – we spotted lots of terraced houses and flats! Some of us were delighted to see our very own house on our walk!


CLIC Targets

Here are the Big Maths CLIC Targets we are working on in class at the moment!

Counting – I can read multiples of 10.

Learn Its – 4 + 6 = 10  and   3 + 7 = 10

It’s Nothing New – I can double 1 digit numbers.

Calculations – I can take away numbers of objects to 10.

Pupil of the Week

Our Pupil of the Week Award this week goes to Scott Stewart! Scott is a very sensible, hard working boy who always tries his best. He is a responsible member of the class and a good role model to others. We are extremely proud of you Scott – keep up the super work!

Pupil Council Rep

Huge congratulations to Antony on being elected as our class Pupil Council Rep! We are absolutely delighted for him and certain that he will do a wonderful job! Congratulations also to Amber who has been elected as his deputy! Well done Antony and Amber – we are very proud of you both!

Pupil of the Week

A huge congratulations to our very first Pupil of the Week for P2/3 – Aila McPherson!

Aila has been such a hard working girl these first few weeks and is always keen to lend a helpful hand around the classroom. She has come to school each morning with a big smile on her face and a great attitude! What a great start Aila! We are proud of you!

Welcome to P2/3!

We would like to wish you a warm welcome to our P2/3 Class Blog!

We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead in P2/3 and aim to regularly share information and photos to keep you up to date with what we are getting up to in class. We hope you will find the Blog useful and welcome any comments or feedback you may have.

Just a reminder that our job share pattern for this session will be as follows:-

Monday, Tuesday and alternate Fridays – Ms Dezall

Wednesday, Thursday and alternate Fridays – Mrs Forbes

We look forward to working with you all!