Term 4

It’s hard to believe we have reached Term 4 already but we are looking forward to a very busy and exciting Term ahead! In the last couple of weeks, the children have started outdoor learning sessions on a Monday afternoon with Mr Miller which they are thoroughly enjoying. They have also been having lots of fun taking part in some additional PE and fitness sessions with a few of the RGU students on a Tuesday afternoon.

Our Term 4 Topic!

We have decided along with the children that our topic for the final term is going to be France. The children have  been making great progress with the French we have been learning in class and are keen to find out more about France as a country. We are looking forward to exploring many areas of interest such as famous French landmarks, foods and culture. We will be leading a class assembly on France later this term.

Congratulations to our first two Pupils of the Week for Term 4 – Franek and Daniel! Franek received his award for making huge improvements in his understanding of Time work in maths. Great job Franek! We are proud of you for working so hard on this! Daniel was delighted to receive his certificate on Friday for listening well and trying hard to work independently on his tasks. Well done Daniel! Keep up the great work!