Week beginning 25.6.18

Our class trip to Crathes Castle is on Tuesday this week. Please remember packed lunches if you are providing your own and come dressed for the weather and wearing school sweatshirt/jumper.

The children will get a chance to play at the big end of the playground on Thursday in preparation for moving up to Primary 4.


Homework – Spelling and reading homework will continue this week. Spelling words will be given home on Monday and the book should be returned to school on Friday.  Our spelling pattern is silent c as in scent and crescent. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday so homework should be completed by then.


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday.

Big Maths


C – Counting multiples of 2, 5, 10

L   revision of P1-3 learn its (children will get a sheet home with these)

  Jigsaw Numbers        missing piece to 100  

C – Division with remainders    16 divided by 5 = 3 r 1


Our focus for other maths work this week will be measurement, thinking about length, weight and volume.



French – This week our French will be our daily routine of the day and date for our calendar. We will also revise the French topics we have covered this year.

Topic – This week we will be looking at exercise, hygiene and food to keep us healthy.

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