Week Beginning 26.3.18

This week is a 4 day week. We finish for the Easter Holidays on Thursday at 3pm. School restarts on Monday 16th April.

On Wednesday it is the Easter Fun Day. Don’t forget to bring your decorated egg for the competition and for rolling in the playground. Raffle prizes and competiton winners will be announced at assembly in the afternoon.

Thursday’s treat snack will be provided by the P6s. Please bring 25p for your chosen cake/biscuit.


Homework – Don’t forget talk homework should be prepared for this week. There will be no spelling.


Reading – The children will get 1 new book on Monday. Reading books will be taken in on Thursday.

Big Maths

Maths – Revision of some of our CLIC targets


Our focus for other maths work this week will be to round off our topic of money.



French – This week our French will be our daily routine of the day and date for our calendar. We will also revise colours and numbers.

Topic – This week we will do some Easter activities and round off our Vikings topic after the holidays.

Hope you all have a lovely Easter Holiday.

Week beginning 19.3.18

This week we will be going to Kincorth library on Tuesday morning.

On Friday our class assembly is in the hall at 1.30pm – parents welcome. 


Homework – Spelling and reading homework will continue this week. Spelling words will be given home on Monday and the book should be returned to school on Friday.  Our spelling pattern is oa/o-e/ow as in stone and toast. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday so homework should be completed by then.


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday.

Big Maths

Maths – as last week

C – counting in 4s

L  5 times table

halving 2 digit numbers

C – addition 2 digit tens + 2 digit tens


Our focus for other maths work this week will again be money. Adding amounts of coins, working out change and working out different ways of making amounts with coins.



French – This week our French will be our daily routine of the day and date for our calendar. We will also focus again on family names.

Topic – Last week we wrote about Viking longhouses. We found out about runes and tried writing our names in runes. We also started to listen to some of the Viking sagas about their gods and goddesses. Next week we will focus on our assembly which is on The Vikings.

Week beginning 9.3.18

This week we have pyjama day on Friday – bring a donation for Sue Ryder.

Also on Friday is achiever’s assembly for any achievements out of school.


Homework – Spelling and reading homework will continue this week. Spelling words will be given home on Monday and the book should be returned to school on Friday.  Our spelling pattern is ie/y/i-e/igh as in side and fright. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday so homework should be completed by then.


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday.

Big Maths


C – counting in 4s

L  5 times table

halving 2 digit numbers

C – addition 2 digit tens + 2 digit tens


Our focus for other maths work this week will be money.



French – This week our French will be our daily routine of the day and date for our calendar. We will also focus on family names.

Topic – Last week we found out about Viking shields and did some writing about them. This week we will be finding out about Viking longhouses.

Week Beginning 5.3.18

This week we have an open afternoon on Wednesday from 1.30-3.00pm.


Homework – Spelling and reading homework will continue this week. Spelling words will be given home on Monday and the book should be returned to school on Friday.  Our spelling pattern is ee/ea as in queen and please. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday so homework should be completed by then.


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday.

Big Maths


C – counting in 3s

L  6+7=13    8+7=15    8+9=17

fact families

C – division by 2 – halves       by 4 – quarters


Our focus for other maths work this week will be again fractions focusing mainly on halves and quarters, We will also be working out halves and quarters of amounts.



French – This week our French will be our daily routine of the day and date for our calendar. We will also focus on greetings.


Topic – Last week we made a large longship for the wall. We also looked at a timeline to see when the Vikings were around. We learned about Viking Shields – what they were made of and what patterns they had on them.