All posts by Mrs Douglas

Parental Support

Can we please ask that you provide the following items to be kept in school

  • Gym shorts and t-shirt
  • A pair of welly boots

Can we also ask that a water bottle and book bags are brought to school everyday. Book bags should be checked for letters and homework daily. All school items should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. We ask that a healthy snack of fruit or veg is provided for break time.

Thank you for your support!

Big Maths


At Abbotswell we follow Big Maths and our pupils think it’s great.

Big Maths is unique because it splits the maths curriculum into two parts; Core Knowledge and Wider Maths.

‘Get it, Then use it’

Children always acquire Core Knowledge before applying it to Wider Maths. This ensures children approach all problems with the skills and confidence needed to succeed. Gradually, build up a child’s knowledge through the Learning Steps, challenging them with wider and deeper problems.

Please follow the link to find out more.

Jolly Phonics

Jolly Phonics

In the Early Stages at Abbotswell we use Jolly Phonics to help us learn new sounds. We thought we’d highlight the fact that there is a number of Jolly Phonics apps available to download that can be used to help us at home. Just search for Jolly Phonics in the app store or follow the link below to take you directly to one of the free apps available.

Jolly Phonics for Teachers by Jolly Learning