Tag Archives: selmas


Spring is in the air and that means that the SELMAS Forum is due.
Once again we are in the wonderful setting of St George’s School in Edinburgh. The very successful format of drinks, speaker, food, speaker, discussion and more food, speaker, again discussion and more food and panel will be maintained. It is a wonderful opportunity for educationalists across Scotland to meet colleagues, chat, discuss big issues and relax. The evening starts with drinks from 5.30 pm, with the formal events of the evening starting at 6.15 pm and concluding at 9.00 pm.
This year’s theme is The Challenge of Socially Just Leadership. The speakers, some of the best-informed and challenging presenters in Scottish education, are Rosa Murray of the GTCS, and Anne-Marie McGovern, Headteacher of St Benedict’s Primary in Glasgow,.
Social Justice is a key issue on Scotland’s educational agenda. As ever, SELMAS offers the opportunity to participate actively but constructively in the big debates. This will be a superb evening. We are also delighted that this year the quality of SELMAS’s work, including the Forum, has been recognised by a grant from the Scottish Government.

In recent years the Forum has always been a sell-out. Tickets for the evening are £25 per person. As we have done in recent years, we are again offering a discounted price for participants who bring a colleague who has not attended previous SELMAS events: £45 for two places if one of the two is new to SELMAS.

Book your place now by completing and returning the booking form below.