Tag Archives: Argyll & Bute Schools

National PE events.

There are a number of PE events coming up in March.
Sat. 1 March: Outdoor Learning in the Secondary Sector, St Joseph’s Academy Kilmarnock
Sat. 15 March: Better Movers and Thinkers – Performance and Excellence, St Paul’s HS Dundee
Sat. 29 March: PE and Additional Support Needs
Education Scotland will provide cover, accommodation and travel expenses for up to six practitioners at each event from remote/island communities. For the Saturday events, accommodation can be provided on both the Friday and Saturday nights. Please get in touch ASAP in order that we can book places:
Rona Young, PE Co-ordinator. rona.young@ea.argyll-bute.sch.uk

Gymnastic Courses coming soon…..

The following courses have been organised for primary class teachers to assist with the teaching of gymnastics and dance. The courses will be led by Anne Murphy, Development Officer with Education Scotland.
– Wednesday 26th February 10am-3pm, Inveraray Primary, gymnastics and dance.
– Tuesday 4th March 3.45pm-5.45pm, Colgrain Primary, gymnastics.
– Wednesday 5th March 3.45pm-5.45pm, Sandbank Primary, gymnastics.
– Thursday 13th March 10am-3pm, Oban (venue TBC), gymnastics and dance.
To book a place please email Rona Young, PE Co-ordinator: rona.young@ea.argyll-bute.sch.uk