Category Archives: Professional Development


You will now be aware that the General Teaching Council for Scotland was tasked by the Scottish Government with introducing a scheme of re-accreditation for teachers. This scheme is called Professional Update. The Professional Update process requires teachers to:
– keep their entry on the GTCS Register accurate
– engage in on-going professional review and learning
– confirm this with GTC Scotland every 5 years
The Professional Update process requires employers to:
– provide a Professional Review and Development scheme which meets national criteria and supports teachers in completing the Professional Update process

From August 2014, ongoing engagement in the Professional Update process is a condition of registration with GTC Scotland for all teachers. To ensure that we have a Professional Review and Development (PRD) scheme in Argyll and Bute that meets the criteria and supports the Professional Update process we have undertaken an online review of the current process, consulted with head teachers and teaching staff in all areas whilst delivering presentations and have been working closely with the professional associations.
We are pleased now to be sharing with you the DRAFT PRD POLICY and DEVELOPMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES for final consultation.

All comments and questions should be returned to no later than Friday 2 May.
On 28 May a panel from GTC Scotland will be visiting to undertake verification of our policy and procedures. Following verification we will issue a final version of these documents. Training will be available in all areas and online to support preparing for your PRD. Training will be provided in mentoring for those who lead the PRD process.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information or have any questions.

Wendy Brownlie
Seconded Headteacher
(Principal of Rothesay Joint Campus)
Argyll and Bute Council

Tigtag – the award-winning online science resource for primary schools

Education Scotland is delighted to announce that schools can access Tigtag – the award-winning online science resource for primary schools – free of charge through Glow. We have agreed a 12 month national education licence with Twig World which allows Scottish schools to have unlimited access to this great resource. There is no need to ask for a free trial or subscribe to the site if you are already a glow user.

To access Tigtag
Option 1
Click on You will see a box labelled Glow User.
Put in your glow user name and password and start using this fabulous resource.

Option 2
Enter a search for Tigtag and click on
Click on the Tigtag image in the top right hand corner and you will be taken to the Tigtag home page.
Click on Log in with Glow and input your user name and password to start using the resource.

You can use Tigtag straight away to enhance and support your science learning and teaching.
For further details visit:

‘Best in Show’ – CPD workshop for Primary and Secondary teachers with an interest in Art & Design

A half-day workshop on canine-inspired multi-disciplinary drawing for primary and secondary teachers with an interest in Art and Design.
No drawing skills necessary.
Friday 2nd May 2014
Book Online
Pay by invoice or credit/debit card
Presented by Edinburgh College of Art & Moray House School of Education
see here for full details bestinshowCPD-MAY2014 flyer


Spring is in the air and that means that the SELMAS Forum is due.
Once again we are in the wonderful setting of St George’s School in Edinburgh. The very successful format of drinks, speaker, food, speaker, discussion and more food, speaker, again discussion and more food and panel will be maintained. It is a wonderful opportunity for educationalists across Scotland to meet colleagues, chat, discuss big issues and relax. The evening starts with drinks from 5.30 pm, with the formal events of the evening starting at 6.15 pm and concluding at 9.00 pm.
This year’s theme is The Challenge of Socially Just Leadership. The speakers, some of the best-informed and challenging presenters in Scottish education, are Rosa Murray of the GTCS, and Anne-Marie McGovern, Headteacher of St Benedict’s Primary in Glasgow,.
Social Justice is a key issue on Scotland’s educational agenda. As ever, SELMAS offers the opportunity to participate actively but constructively in the big debates. This will be a superb evening. We are also delighted that this year the quality of SELMAS’s work, including the Forum, has been recognised by a grant from the Scottish Government.

In recent years the Forum has always been a sell-out. Tickets for the evening are £25 per person. As we have done in recent years, we are again offering a discounted price for participants who bring a colleague who has not attended previous SELMAS events: £45 for two places if one of the two is new to SELMAS.

Book your place now by completing and returning the booking form below.

Moving Forward with Global Citizenship: 2 part funded CLPL for all teachers

The Global Learning Programme Scotland is a national project funded by UK government which supports schools to embed Global Citizenship into their learning and teaching across the curriculum. ‘Moving forward with Global Citizenship’ is a full day training opportunity for teachers at all levels. It will bring together all the strands of Global Citizenship including Rights as a core part of Learning for Sustainability. It offers a professional reflection element which will support teachers’ GTCS professional update.
Part 1 of the course is over a full day on May 27 2014. Following this there is an expectation that staff attending will take forward some ideas generated at the training. There will be a recall day in October 2014 for staff to share their experiences and develop their learning further.
Click ‘Moving forward with Global Citizenship ‘ funded course ArgylelButePLfor full details

iPad Courses 2014

Course: iPads for Beginners
Date: Wednesday 19th March 3:45pm-5pm
Location: Cardross Primary
Places: 30
This course is designed for teachers interested in using an iPad within the classroom but are unsure where to start. It will cover the very basics of iPad use, such as notes, safari and the camera. This course is not suitable for teachers that are already familiar with this device.

Course: iPads for Teaching and Learning
Date: Wednesday 26th March 3:45m-5pm Continue reading iPad Courses 2014

Scottish College for Educational Leadership Professional Learning

This link takes you to the Scottish college for Educational Leadership Professional Learning area where you will find resources and links to quality Professional Learning Opportunities.

The Scottish College for Educational Leadership (SCEL) is an exciting and innovative development for education in Scotland. As a core part of Teaching Scotland’s Future the College will support leadership development at all levels for education practitioners across Scotland.
The College’s vision is to support teachers and practitioners to make a difference through access to innovative and quality leadership programmes and services. Continue reading Scottish College for Educational Leadership Professional Learning

CPD for Teachers of SQA Media

CPD sessions for Teaching National 3/4/5 Media

Sat 10 May 2014, 1000-1600 (1030 start)
Premier Inn Edinburgh City Haymarket, 1 Morrison Link, Haymarket, Edinburgh EH3 8DN
Fee: £50 (including digital resources, lunch and refreshments – please indicate any dietary requirements)
Target Audience: Prospective and current teachers/lecturers of SQA National Media
Aims: The course will
1. Outline the theoretical and pedagogical background to teaching the media at National level
2. Relate teaching and learning to internal assessment requirements of National 3, 4 and 5 Media
3. Relate teaching and learning to external assessment requirements of National 5 Media.
Teaching Higher Media (introduction) Continue reading CPD for Teachers of SQA Media

Moving Forward with Global Citizenship: 2 part funded CLPL for all teachers

The Global Learning Programme Scotland is a national project funded by UK government which supports schools to embed Global Citizenship into their learning and teaching across the curriculum. ‘Moving forward with Global Citizenship’ is a full day training opportunity for teachers at all levels. It will bring together all the strands of Global Citizenship including Rights as a core part of Learning for Sustainability. It offers a professional reflection element which will support teachers’ GTCS professional update.
Part 1 of the course is over a full day in May 2014. Following this there is an expectation that staff attending will take forward some ideas generated at the training. There will be a recall day in October 2014 for staff to share their experiences and develop their learning further. Continue reading Moving Forward with Global Citizenship: 2 part funded CLPL for all teachers

Digital Skills Day-level one

We have been working to provide a resource for our schools which will address the issue of providing our pupils with appropriate digital skills and will ensure progression across levels. Although we have established these skills from early level through to third level, we would like to focus on Level 1 for this session. This day will give staff the training to deliver these skills and some ideas for incorporating the skills in their practice. The day is aimed at any staff who wish to make a start on ensuring our pupils have these appropriate skills and is not specific to Mac or PC.

The date is 8th May, in ICC, Inveraray and will run from 10am until 1pm.

Please book a place by contacting

Maggie Irving, Education Support Officer, Learning Technologies