Category Archives: Local and National Early Years Documents

Local and National Early Years Documents

  1. How Good Is Our Early Learning and Childcare (Scottish Government)
  2. Children and Young People (Scotland) 2014 (Early Learning and Childcare guidance)
  3. Workforce Review 2015
  4. Health and Social Care Standards
  5. National Parenting Strategy (Scottish Government)
  6. Building the Ambition (National Practice Guidance)
  7. Childcare Commission Report
  8. NHS Infection Prevention Control 
  9. Scottish ELCC Workforce Review
  10. Growing up in Scotland
  11. National Standards for Nursery and School brushing Programmes – Childsmile
  12. Setting the Table
  13. Setting the Table – revised May 2018 key amendments to reflect recent policy changes and evidence updates
  14. Setting the Table: Recipes
  15. My Play World Triangle
  16. Play Strategy Vision
  17. Play Strategy Action Plan
  18. Learning through Play
  19. Seven Golden Rules SCCYP
  20. Early Years Information Pathway for professionals (NHS Health Scotland)
  21. Children and Young People’s Services Plan 2017-2020 (Argyll & Bute Council and NHS Highland)
  22. My World Outdoors
  23. Loose Parts Play – A Toolkit
  24. Space to Grow (Design guidance for Early Learning and Childcare and Out of School Care services)
  25. Just like a child Respect gender equality in the early years A guide for childcare professionals
  26. Improving Gender Balance Scotland An action guide for early learning and childcare practitioners
  27. My Creative Journey Expressive Arts
  28. Animal Magic
  29. SBAR Hygiene requirements in Outdoor Nurseries in Scotland Health Protection Scotland