Category Archives: child protection

Guidance: Child Protection in educational establishments

Guidance: Child Protection in educational establishments

The guidance below is an update of all previous guidance. This document details how we approach Child Protection in educational establishment and contains the relevant directions, advice and paperwork to enable staff to take forward their duties with regard to safeguarding children in Argyll and Bute.

Child Protection Guidance May 2018 Release

School pupils’ posters will help keep children safe across Argyll and Bute

Primary schools pupils in Argyll and Bute have helped the local Child Protection Committee (CPC) to keep children safe and protected by designing posters to raise awareness of the issue.

When Fiona Blakey, Argyll and Bute Council cultural co-ordinator heard that the CPC wanted to update their public information, she turned the idea into a project for primary schools. Continue reading School pupils’ posters will help keep children safe across Argyll and Bute